Will and Jaden Smith are donating bottles of water from their eco-friendly company “Just Water” each month to the citizens of Flint, Mich.
It’s been over 1,400 days since Flint has had fully safe water. The father-son duo have already donated 9,200 bottles of water to the embattled city, and vowed to do so each month until the lead levels found in the water at Flint public schools is significantly decreased.
“This just makes sense for us to do,” said Just Water CEO Ira Laufer. “Jada Smith has visited Flint and met with the mayor. Flint is very dear to her heart…After reading more about [Flint’s] challenges and the mayor objecting to pulling bottled water from the schools, we thought ‘Let’s help these kids.’”
The mayor of Flint, Karen Weaver, said that she’s hopeful that that the city will continue to provide fully-funded water bottles until the water is safe to drink. A review of the city’s water quality will take place later this month.
Just Water was founded in 2015, and the packaging is crafted by nearly all renewable resources, and the water comes from an “ethically-sourced model contributing to the economy” in Glen Falls, N.Y.
“Four pallets of the Smiths’ company’s sustainably-packaged water arrived at the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan on Thursday, March 1 – a donation that is ‘greatly appreciated,’ said Food Bank Vice President of Development Cathy Blankenship,” writes MLive.